This Bash command is used to display the contents of a YAML configuration file named "config.yaml" while removing any blank lines. Let's break down the command:
1. `cat config.yaml`: This part of the command uses the `cat` command to concatenate and display the contents of the "config.yaml" file in the terminal.
2. `|`: This is a pipe operator, which is used to redirect the output of the preceding command (in this case, the output of `cat config.yaml`) to the next command.
3. `awk NF`: The `awk` command is a powerful text processing tool. In this case, it uses the `NF` variable, which represents the number of fields in a line. When used alone as `awk NF`, it filters out (prints) only those lines that have at least one field, effectively removing blank lines.
So, when you combine these commands, the overall effect is to display the contents of "config.yaml" while omitting any lines that are empty or contain only whitespace.